Posted by: Arabic Citizen | July 6, 2009

Bad Day in Amman

Today was an extremely awful day for me in Amman. I woke up with urge of going back to sleep and not going to work, in fact I wished that I can skip the day the same way I can skip the odd song in music collection.

I pushed my self through the morning routine and went to work. I was absent minded for most of the morning. Thinking about a million thing, it seem ages since I came back to Amman after living in the UK for a quite some years. I came back 6 months ago filled with energy, ambition and most importantly dreams. Where have these things went? I wonder!!!

I am still finding it hard to deal with the harsh society in Amman, to deal with the noise, the traffic, the rudeness and the overwhelming negativity of most people. If any reader found it hard to re-adjust to life in Amman after spending some time abroad and have some tips please share them.

Why do we make it hard for ourselves and people around us to live peacefully in Amman. Why do we complicate everything simple? I know that every society has its issues and problems. But I feel that we have lots of major problems in this not so simple and almost artificial society.

The only good thing that happened to me today (so far) that I have decided to start my own blog after months (years?) of postponing it.
